Book Loan Program for Southern California Teachers
Get an entire class set of NEW books for your students, PLUS a top-notch standards-aligned curriculum that accompanies it . . . for FREE!
You can receive an entire class set of either of these books to read with your students, along with a complete standards-aligned teacher’s guide. Teachers who have already used these guides have found them engaging, classroom-ready, and pedagogically sound. What teachers who have used the Book Loan Program have said: "I have really enjoyed teaching SECRETS OF THE BOOK with my fifth grade students. . . Because their enthusiasm was so high, I was able to teach many meaningful Common Core lessons that went along with the book. Students were able to answer questions that required them to think critically. They analyzed the characters in great depth, and learned what various tricks authors utilize in writing, such as foreshadowing and flashbacks.”—Annie Vega, 5th grade teacher "I want to let you know how much the students and I appreciated and enjoyed your visit Monday. I loved the opportunity you offered me to make [LOSING IT] come alive. We felt privileged to learn your process of getting ideas, writing and publishing. The Teacher's Guide was well-organized, teacher-friendly and very helpful." --Laurie S., 8th grade teacher These thirty-six books will be loaned to you for one month based on a first-come, first serve basis. You must agree to: · -return the books to the author at the end of the month so other teachers can use them. · -keep the books in good, usable condition. · -use the teacher’s guide and provide some basic feedback on your experience. · -allow the author, assuming it is geographically feasible, to come in at the conclusion of the novel for a brief book talk, Q and A, and possible book signing. For LOSING IT, please click here to view a calendar of available months and to sign up. For SECRETS OF THE BOOK, please click here to view a calendar of available months and to sign up. Click here to sign a Book Loan Contract. |